I bought Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower the instant pre-orders went up. Haven't had a chance to play the game yet, it'll have to wait for the Holidays, most likely. But the Ogroid Thaumaturge model finally fit the bill as the perfect minotaur that the original game always needed. Just one problem... that ugly ogre head and its improbably large horns!
You can see the black sharpie "cut line" on the donor's head. I'm not sure what possessed me to switch their arms, but I guess I'm getting a crash course in sculpting musculature... I swear, all the bodybuilder pics on my computer are for research.
The original minotaur's head and gloved hands are in the classic, chunky Warhammer "heroic scale" that made small details so much easier to paint. It's not the most detailed sculpt, but there's a lot of character there.
Size comparison of two original WHQ minotaurs with the head swap started... this was a lot of cutting to make everything fit underneath the ogroid's mohawk, but I think the new head fits pretty well and has a lot of character.
Click to embiggen.
Starting to fill gaps with epoxy putty. I'm planning to make the ears longer. The club and arm got pinned with a paper clip I had laying around... not sure if they make those things out of stainless steel or what, but it fudged my clippers up something fierce... guess I should stick to brass rod.
Now both the new minotaur and whatever becomes of the old donor will be an homage to Michael Jackson with their singular gloves! Maybe they lost the mate in the labyrinth?
Temporarily positioned the arm with blu-tak to verify the fit.
Roughing in the musculature. I seem to have misplaced my trusty Kneadatite "green stuff" and without the time to run to the hobby store today I'm subbing in some "Kwik Wood" ::snicker:: auto body epoxy putty. It comes in the same tube as the larger portions of green stuff and dries in about a half hour, but it does the trick. And OH BOY does it stink. Won't make THAT mistake again!