Thursday, November 29, 2018

WHQ Silver Tower Minotaur w/ OG WHQ Head

Finally got some paint on this fella. I went with a Magic: The Gathering "Hurloon Minotaur" paint job. Click to embiggen!

I'm liking the clear bases, courtesy of Sally 4th. Since I go back and forth between quest- and fantasy battle-type games, this was the only option that made sense to me.

But WHY does he have an orange mohawk, not unlike those frequently seen on dwarven slayers? Hmmm...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

WiP HeroQuest Ogres

In preparation for my coworkers' heroes breezing through the original HeroQuest system game pack, I'm starting to get the expansion pack monsters ready. (As is obvious from the glacial pace of previous updates, I'm going to have to plan far ahead!)
You'll see some classic HeroQuest ogres, with some minor greenstuff work to make them as close to the illustrations as possible, as well as Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres (the out-of-print metal guys) and even the most recent Games Workshop plastic kit. It might be heresy to some but I have mixed and matched some of the parts to create some unique models. I like variety! Painted versions inbound.